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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Reunion - 6 - The New Neighbours

28th September 2000
So, the new girl, her name is Aakruti. Okay, now this girl is really really really pretty. Pretty and smart, everyone was like wow! Of course, now everyone wants to get to know her and I’ve been sidelined. I do have Sagarika and Anjali who sit with me now, but all the attention is now focused on Aakruti.
Like today, during lunch, everyone was sitting around Aakruti and asking her all sorts of questions. Nobody did that for me. In fact, nobody had even bothered that I was there when I had joined. And you are not going to believe this! Even the guys are falling over themselves to get themselves introduced to her!
Whatever happened to “We don’t talk to girls” rule?
Anyway, not like I care…..
Besides, now that the attention is shifted off me means I have been accepted as one of them, which is a good thing right?
Oooh.. I almost forgot, Nikita gave out her birthday invitations today and guess what, I am invited, but so is Aakruti. She’s been in the class for just one day!

29th September 2000
Guess what! Aakruti is practically my neighbor! Mum made me go to the new neighbor’s house inviting them home for coffee and guess who opened the door! I was so stunned that I didn’t say anything for a whole minute. She was ecstatic to see me! Maybe she thinks she’s got some kind of side kick to bask in her glory. Oh, when I went to her room to help her unpack, she had these beautiful paintings lined up made by… guess? HER! And there were all this trophies in athletics carelessly tossed around in a cardboard box, all hers!  
Is there anything this girl is bad at!? I almost didn’t introduce her to my mum. I just know what is going to follow, the constant comparison!! Urrrgh!
Her family seemed nice. All but her dad, he kind of frightens me. He didn’t smile at me at all!! Her mum was very timid. She looked so nervous.. All that packing and unpacking must have exhausted her.
My mom on the other hand, is thrilled that Aakruti is going to be our neighbor. I could practically see her plan. Ramya and Aakruti become best friends, Ramya and Aakruti hang out together and then Ramya becomes good at everything Aakruti did. Oh man, I have some unpleasant times in front of me.
On another note, Aakruti does have a very very cute brother. Aryan. Shhhh, this stays between us! He is a little older though. Okay, a lot older. He’s in final year of college. When I was walking into Aakruti’s room, I caught a glimpse of him playing some alien tune on his very cool guitar. I have to admit though, he wasn’t very good at it.
He smiled as I walked past, don’t think he saw me though, he was too involved in his “music”
I think, being friends with Aakruti isn’t going to be as bad as I thought.

30th September 2000
Aakruti and I go to school together now. She was so weird in the morning. She practically ran out of her house today and kept glancing back. As we got closer to school, she transformed into the person I had been introduced to in school. Once we reached school, Aakruti was swarmed by the other people and she quickly forgot about me. What was I expecting? She has to pretend that she’s friends with me at home. In school, she has cooler people to talk to.
Nikita’s party is the only thing anyone could talk about. And guess what! Aryan is going to drop us AND pick us up!
Okay, so I’m going to go get dressed. Give you the dirt when I get back. Wish me luck!

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