Thank you all, for taking the time out and telling me what I should be changing.
Hopefully, I'll be able to better myself. Here's hoping you come back to read the next story.. :)
A mish mash of thoughts which accumulate inside my head. Everyone has a story to tell..
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Click on the below links to read my previous stories..The Reunion A Dog's World My Sister's Daughter
Friday, April 30, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 11 - The End
I was at the store picking out some stuff, when I heard some police cars go by. Nothing rarely ever happens in my neighborhood, so everyone rushed outside to see what had happened. All I could gather from what people were talking was that a dog was involved.
Oh dear. Warning bells went off in my head. Could it be my dog? I had safely locked him in. Oh my god, maybe he’s injured or something. Worry gnawed at me and I practically ran back home.
The house was locked and everything was quiet. I heaved a silent sigh of relief and opened the door.
My jaw dropped. EVERYTHING! And I mean EVERYTHING was in a mess.
“Brownie!” I screamed! Enough was enough. That dog had to be taught that this is just not done. I looked around, there was no sign of Brownie. I entered my room and gasped. All my stuff was all over the floor and the window was broken. What had my crazy dog been doing!!
I was livid with anger.
Brownie?!!” I looked under the bed, in the bathroom everywhere.
Brownie was nowhere to be found. I waited for a while and still there was no sign of Brownie. Then, I began to get worried. Where had he gone? Had he run away? Did he think was going to be too mad at him?
I know I was too strict with him. He was always to careless! Always breaking things. But he just couldn’t help it, sometimes he just had to act nutty. Without him, the house seemed empty.
Gosh, I had never realized how alone I really was. I had to find him. He had to be ok right? I mean why would anyone want to harm Brownie!! Brownie wouldn’t hurt a fly!
I picked up my flashlight and stepped outside. I heard a police car closing in. And then I heard him.. Where was he? I couldn’t see him. Then suddenly, Brownie’s head popped out of the police car.
He jumped out of the window and came running towards me. I was so mad!! And so relieved that he was ok!! “Bad dog! Bad dog Brownie!! Running away from home!! You should be ashamed!” I pet him to let him know it was ok, and I still loved him.
After that, it was time to face the cops.
“What did he do?” I asked them, expecting the worst.
“That’s a very brave dog you have there”
“What?” what in the world was he talking about?
“Yeah, he chased the robber and cornered him in an alley and barked as loudly as possible to let us know where he was.”
“Ummmm.. I’m sorry I don’t understand.” I really didn’t know what he was talking about.
“There was a robbery.” On seeing my confused face, he continued.. “in your house?”
Oh! So that was it, it wasn’t Brownie! It was the robber. Wait a minute, my house was robbed??
“Did he steal anything?” In my anger, I had failed to notice whether anything was missing.
“Oh yes, but I think we managed to get everything back, thanks to your dog.”
And then he recounted how Brownie had saved the day.
The cops left after a while, promising to come the next morning, to finish off some paper work, so that I could get my stuff back. The crowd had thinned too. All of Brownie’s admirer’s had followed him back to his house and they started leaving only after the cops left.

“ You crazy dog.. ” I muttered softly..
We sat there under the moonlight for a long time, dog and mistress. Finally when I fell asleep on the porch, Brownie licked my hand and woke me up. We went inside. I tried not to look at the mess inside.
I thought I wouldn’t have been able to sleep in that room. I slipped into the bed and I could hear some chewing sound. It was possible that Brownie was chewing my favorite footwear, but it didn’t matter.. Because tonight, with Brownie around, I felt safe.
I’m pretty sure something is wrong with Lilo. I am sitting next to her bed, chewing her slippers and all she does is put out her hand and touch me as though to make sure I’m there and then goes back to sleep. I don’t care really. Because no matter how strange she behaves or how mad she gets, with Lilo around, I feel loved.
------------------------------- The End ------------------------
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 10 - The HERO
It was so much quieter now that the girls had gone. I stifled a yawn and settled down in my favorite place, right next to kitchen door. Do I really have to explain why this is my favorite place?
Lilo was going to the stores to pick up some supplies. We used to go together earlier, but I’m not allowed to go in there anymore. It wasn’t my fault really! They got some new kind of dog food there some time back and Lilo just wouldn’t buy the pack for me. So I picked it up with my teeth and tried to drag it off the shelf. Of course, I dragged a whole lot of other things along with it and since that day, Lilo doesn’t take me to any supermarkets.

Her friend was creeping around and looking through her stuff. I tiptoed behind him and barked.
The reaction was incredible! The man screamed for some five ten minutes and then started running towards the window. He stumbled a lot and the room was in a mess before he reached the window.
I ran to the man barking loudly, “play with me” is what I wanted to tell him. I don’t think he understood. He kept running away.. Finally , he smashed Lilo’s window and jumped out.
“Hey come back!!” I looked around the room. Lilo was going to kill me. I took a quick decision. Lilo’s friend ought to face Lilo after the mess he had made in her room. I jumped out the window and ran behind the man.
The closer I got, the louder the man started to scream. Finally he ran into a corner and stopped, dropped all the stuff he had borrowed from Lilo’s house and started telling me to go away.
Not without you buddy! I barked at him, trying to make him understand that he needed to clean up Lilo’s room.
Suddenly I heard footsteps. Four-five people were running towards us.
“There! There’s the robber!” One man shouted and pointed at Lilo’s friend.
“And there’s the dog!” he was pointing at me now.
“Good dog!” he bent down and scratched my neck. Aaaaah.. that felt so good.
The cops were there too. They arrested the man and then looked at my collar. “They covered quite a bit of distance, didn’t they?” The cops were talking amongst themselves now. “Lets get him home.. The owner must be worried stiff.”
Yesss!! I was going to travel in a police car!!
She saw me and her face lit up and then turned dark.
“Brownie! Bad dog! Running from home!” She sure was mad. Then she saw the cops. And her expression changed.
“What did he do now?” she asked them.
I crept to the door and stood outside waiting for Lilo with my head down. I had been far too lucky the past two days. It was time for a punishment.
“My hero!” Lilo exclaimed. Was she referring to me???
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 9 - THE phone call
This could not be happening to me!!
Trisha’s phone was ringing and it was James! There was only one way to end this. Accept it. I’ll just make up some story if he asks why I called. Oh dear God. What had I said in my drunken stupor.
I gathered my wits and answered the phone.
“Hello…” I said tentatively.
“Hi..” James voice was clear and loud.. “Who is this?”
Who is this?? That means whatever happened last night, he didn’t recognize my voice! I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad.
“Ummm.. Shouldn’t you be telling me who you are? Since like, you know, you’ve called me??” This was turning out to be better than I expected.
“No, actually, I’m returning a call I got at night yesterday. I couldn’t answer it because.. Well because I was sleeping.. So, I was just wondering who was trying to reach me so late at night.”
It was time to have some fun!
“Oh.. About that.. Ummm..” I could see the girls closing in to hear what I was about to say. I continued. “I was calling on behalf of the WRA World’s Refrigerator Association and.. I wanted to know if your refrigerator was running.”
The girls were looking at me as though I had lost it. I could almost imagine the expression on James face.
“I’m sorry. What?” James asked.
“Yeah! My refrigerator is running.” Came back the exasperated reply.
“Well what are you waiting for, go and catch it!!” With that, I hung up and the four of us spent the next five minutes laughing loudly. We were kind of hoping that James would call back and we would clear it out. But he never did. Secretly, I was glad he didn’t.
I mean, how was I supposed to explain my behavior? Anyhow, it was already afternoon and the girls started to pick up their things and leave. This is why I love them so much, because they turn my life around.
I think Brownie too was sad to see them go. He had his tail between his legs when they left and he went to a corner and sat quietly for a long time.
The wild party had come to an end.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 8 - After Effects
I woke up the next morning, with a terrible terrible hangover. But as last night’s memories came flooding back to my mind, a smile crept on to my face. I distinctly remember there was some dancing and some prank call making. I turned over, and saw the other two sleeping in haphazard positions. Couldn’t see Anna though.. I slipped out of the blanket and tip toed out of the bedroom. There is nothing worse than being woken rudely after a night of drinking.
“Brownie!” I whispered. No response. “Brownie?” I was a little louder this time.

It didn’t take me much time. My house wasn’t that big anyway.
Where could he be? Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen Anna too. Maybe she took him out for a walk. But the leash was right in its place. And then it struck me. OH NO! She had taken him without it!! I pulled on my boots as quickly as possibly, praying both of them were ok. I yanked the door open and what do I see? Anna and Brownie walking like the perfect pet and owner side by side at a normal place. Wow, Anna could manage my dog better than I could.
“You’ve got to give me some pointers” I told Anna when she was within hearing range.
“Pointers?” A visibly confused Anna asked.
“Yeah, how did you manage to subdue my wild one!”
“Brownie was an angel.”
Angel???? My Brownie?? I mean I love him and all, but this was too much for me to digest. Anna continued to rave about my dog’s impeccable manners. I was finding it hard to believe that she was talking about my dog!
Brownie followed her in. I looked at him suspiciously. He looked the same to me. He greeted me with a lick on my face and ran inside with his muddy paws leaving print marks all over my floor. Yep, this was MY dog. I had no idea who Anna was talking about.
By the time I finished cleaning up and feeding Brownie. All the girls were up. They had a hot pot of coffee brewing. This was bliss. I filled my cup and joined the girls. We were trying to remember the details of last night.
Ha ha ha ha! Jodi had danced to Shakira! Trisha had joined in.. And I had made an anonymous call to James! Ha ha.. huh?? God, did I do that? I picked up my cell phone and checked the last dialed numbers. Nope, I hadn’t.
“Hey, guess what! You called James at midnight to abuse him.”
I turned to Jodi. “No I did not. I just thought I did. See! No last dialed calls.” I showed her my cell phone.
“That’s because you used my phone..” Trisha showed me her phone and there it was. James’s number. At the top of the list.
I was doomed.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 7 - Night Stay
I hadn’t seen Lilo this happy in a long time and she was in such an awful mood when she came back. I’m glad our little game cheered her up. She toweled me dry and slipped into a shower.

Lilo came out of the shower with water still dripping off her and opened the door. All the four girls started talking and screaming simultaneously. I wasn’t to be left behind. I joined in, barking at the top of my voice. I was really excited and kept jumping at the three of them. Finally, Lilo had to hold me to let them in.
Out of all three of them, Anna was my favorite. She loved to fuss over me and always got me a little something to nibble at. I was not disappointed. She bent down and tossed one doggie treat in the air. I jumped high and caught it neatly. I could see I had impressed the ladies with my skills. Told you I was popular with the fairer sex.
The girls were still talking pretty loudly and commenting on how much the other one had changed in the looooong time that they hadn’t seen each other. (They see each other once in two weeks at the maximum.) Anyway, I left the girls to themselves and went exploring. I could sense that one of the girls had got something to eat, but it was a very different smell from what I usually eat. I nosed around and found that the source of the weird smell was the dining table.

Lilo was with her friends. They were sitting on the floor drinking from the bottle Trisha had got. As soon as they saw me, they burst out laughing. I realized that whatever it was, it wasn’t dangerous in anyway. The only danger I could see was if the girls choked over their own laugh.
Lilo cleaned me up for the third time that day, admonished me for eating their food and then gave a big kiss on the nose.
After a while, the girls became quiet and spoke in softer voices. I could tell that they were discussing something serious. From what I could tell, it looked like the girls were going to stay over. I went around the house, checking whether everything was ok. I was the man of the house and it was my job to keep these girls safe. Once satisfied, I came back and settled down in the middle of the girls in such a way, that all four could pet me. Occasionally, I put my head on someone’s lap and stayed there till they stopped talking. It helps them in some way. They all give me a kiss before I leave their lap for someone else’s.
It’s a good thing to be loved by four beautiful women.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 6 - The Heart Break
I can’t believe what a fool I was. Believing, even for a moment, that James was into me or something. He ACTUALLY wanted to work! He must have thought I was an idiot! Or worse! He must have thought I like him or something. I kept hinting at how nice it was outside and how we should not be at work and be hanging out somewhere else.. Ohhhhh GOD.. So not only did I make a fool out of myself, I also worked on my WEEKEND and it wasn’t even my work!!
That James, he will have to pay for that!
There was only one thing left to do, I pulled over and called my best friend. Great! Her number was busy. I deliberated for a moment, on whether I should call my other best friends but then decided to head back home. All I needed to feel better was Brownie. I sent a text message to all three of my best friends saying “Bad day, James didn’t ask me out or anything. Made me work over the weekend. Hate that guy.” Its important to keep friends informed about updates in your life.

It started raining when I came out of the store. Could this day be any worse?? I hate driving in the rain.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, I reached home. I could hear Brownie barking.
I was heartbroken, tired and wet. I opened the front door and Brownie dashed out of the door, jumped all around me as though he hadn’t seen me for years. His enthusiasm was contagious and I could not help but laugh as I watched him run towards the front lawn and then back towards me, indicating he wanted to play.
Well, I had a surprise for him! I took out the ball and put it in my palm and held it high where Brownie could see him. Brownie went delirious with happiness. I too ran out in the rain and together we played in the rain and the slush after a really really long time.
After an hour, we trooped back home, I was still wet, but happier and rejuvenated. There is something therapeutic about playing with a dog. You forget all about your tiredness and worries. Behind me, a sobered Brownie trotted inside. I guess he could make out that I needed this fun time. How lucky was I?

*Ding Dong*
I wonder who it could be, it was easily around 9:30 p.m. James? Could be it? I chided myself for being so silly and quickly pulled on some clothes. Of course I glanced in the mirror to make sure I was looking presentable, just in case it was James.
I opened the door and a big smile cracked my face. On my doorstep were three of my best friends with a bottle of tequila and some take-away Chinese food.
Woo hoo! This night was just getting started. :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 5 - Home Alone
Hmmm... Something was not right here. There was Jam ON me AND all over the kitchen and Lilo is holding on to me as though I’ve accomplished some great task. Okay, she spotted the jam on me now. Oh man, I hope she doesn’t get too mad. I hate it when Lilo and I fight.
“Now you are going to have a bath quietly, and I am going to forget about the Jam episode. Capisce?”
Oh no! A bath???? Have mercy!
I could try and hide but something about the tone of her voice struck me as different. I didn’t want to make this Lilo mad. I obeyed. A dog’s got to do what a dog’s got to do.
Lilo seemed to be in a big hurry, she didn’t even blow dry my coat! As soon as I was out of the bathroom, she ran into her room and started pulling out outfit after outfit.

Anyway, Lilo had finally decided on something and started putting some make up on her face. Once she tried to put it on me too! My goodness! I’m sure I looked positively hideous. Not that Lilo looks hideous. For a human, I think she looks pretty nice.
Lilo kept running in and out of the room. I got tired of following her around, so I perched myself on this sofa in the living room from where I could see what was going on in most of the rooms.
Usually Lilo would have come and shooed me off the couch but today, I think something really important had come. She didn’t even give me a second glance. Last time I had seen her run around like this; her mother had come over to stay. OH!! Her mother is coming to stay! No wonder she wants me to be clean and gave me a bath. That would also explain why she wants to look nice. That would mean, any moment now, Lilo would start cleaning the house.
Hey... wait a minute, Lilo just ran out. Where is she going without me! We always go together to pick up her mother.
I raced to the front door and started whining. Maybe Lilo just forgot that I was still in the house. Yeah, that was it. She’ll come back when she hears me. I barked loudly. I looked through the window. I could see Lilo reversing the car. Surely she heard me? Ah... there, she was coming back.
With a sudden jerk, Lilo opened the door. I jumped on her, my tail wagging to and fro. I knew you would come back for me Lilo.
“No Brownie, down sweetie, I’ll be late for lunch, so I’ll just fill your water bowl and food bowl. Don’t gulp it down ok?” She bent down and planted a kiss on my nose. She filled my water bowl and food bowl and left.
I pressed my nose to the window and whined away, convinced that Lilo had made a mistake. Why was she going without me?
Friday, April 23, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 4 - James
“OH MY GOD!!” Today was turning out to be the best day ever!!I mean of all the people James Kutch was calling me!! Ok ok... so you don’t know who James Kutch is... He’s like the most... Ok... he’s not the best looking guy I know. Nor is he the smartest. But there is just something about him that makes me... Oh I don’t know... Maybe I can call it crush... a little crush... yeah that sounds reasonable.
Anyway, so... James called me at 7:00 AM!! I mean who does that? Maybe it means he’s been thinking about me since the last time we met (which was yesterday at work) and since today is a weekend and he had to hear my voice and he couldn’t wait any longer, he called me at 7. Plausible right? It could happen!
Oh... so you don’t believe me? Well... the reason he called me was because he wants my “help” with some work related stuff. Oh come on! It’s obvious; he’s asking me out on a date! And the reason he wants to meet in office is so that I don’t think there’s too much there... Ha ha! Men are so naïve. They don’t know that we already know what they are planning.
I held on to Brownie when all these thoughts were running through my head. Brownie’s coat felt wet. I looked down; there was some maroon color goop on him which looked a lot like jam. What could it possibly be? Now, I looked around my kitchen. And then I saw it. The jam bottle which was on the counter when I last saw it, was smashed on the kitchen floor. I knew who the culprit was, but I was too happy to be mad.
I had to give him a bath though. Gosh! James wanted to meet at ten and I hadn’t even decided what to wear and on top of that I had to give Brownie a bath and clean the kitchen.

I think I should try this voice more often. Brownie stood through out the bath like a rock; I was done in no time. Now it was time to groom myself.
So... what should I wear? I wanted to look great, but also as though I hadn’t tried to look great. Hmmm... tricky tricky.. Didn’t want to wear office clothes obviously... too formal... couldn’t wear a summer dress... too casual; I’m meeting a colleague after all. After much dilemma I settled on a pair of jeans and a tee. Selecting the tee too was complicated, shouldn’t be too tight (Don’t want to seem too desperate), shouldn’t be too loose (Don’t want to seem too disinterested.)
Makeup took a little more time than deciding what to wear, but that was because I wanted to go with a no make up look. Now really, if he holds my hand and looked deep into my eyes I don’t want him to find mascara goop there!
Finally, I was ready with ten minutes to spare.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 3 - The Walk Back Home
On our way back, Lilo kept tossing the stick around. Its like my the most favorite thing to do. And sometimes she tries to trick me, by pretending to throw the stick. Man, I go nuts looking for the missing stick and then it strikes me, that maybe Lilo never threw it at all. Each time I am shocked that Lilo could do that to me. But when I go back to her with a knowing look and she bursts into peals of laughter, it makes me forget all about it. That’s why I fall for the same trick over and over again.
The telephone was ringing when we got back. Its some weird contraption the humans have invented for when they want to sit in one place and pretend as though they have someone to talk to. I sometimes think the phone gives humans some psychic abilities. Why you ask me? Well sometimes Lilo is on the phone and suddenly she says “Brownie, be on your best behavior. We have guests tonight” and lo behold! Guests actually show up!! I mean, how could Lilo have possibly known?

One more thing I forgot to mention was that Lilo gets very excited whenever her phone rings. She HAS to answer it. She even answers it while we are playing or eating. It must be really important to her right?
So.. we reached home and Lilo fumbled with the keys in a hurry to get inside and pick up the phone. Finally she managed, she rushed to the phone and picked it up all out of breath.
Great, now she’s going to be busy for while. I went to the kitchen. I am forbidden from entering the kitchen when Lilo’s mom is around, but Lilo is cool with me being there as long as I don’t jump on the counter. But really, all the good stuff was kept there. And I was thirsty and hungry. I jumped onto the counter. There was some very interesting smell up there, I just couldn’t figure out what it was. I didn’t know which direction to look, there were so many new things up here! Left? Or Right? Ok.. let me start with the left.. but the more interesting aroma is on to my right.. oh so many things to try.. So little time!
In my hustling around, I had dropped something from the counter. I quickly jumped down and tried to hide under the table. Maybe Lilo will think it’s a rat.
Sure as hell, within seconds I could here Lilo’s footsteps fast approaching the kitchen.
“Brownie! Brownie where are you?” I gulped. I was so going to get it. I crept out from under the table. Lilo fell to her knees and gave me a big hug.
“He asked me out Brownie! He asked me out”
Huh? What? Who?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 2 - The Morning Walk
I was already up, but I was waiting for Brownie. I don’t feel like getting up till Brownie comes and wakes me up. I didn’t have to wait long. There he was, dependable as always.
This is the best part of my day. I didn’t even mind the bad doggie breath, though it wouldn’t kill me to brush his teeth more often. I got up, ruffling Brownie’s coat.”Good doggie,” I said. It always amazed me that two little words could make my Brownie so happy. Brownie went into a little spin around me and wagged his tail real hard. I have always thought that some day, when Brownie gets over excited, his tail will go out of control and propel him out of this planet.
Before I could brush my teeth, Brownie was back with his leash in his mouth. Finally! After months of training, he realized that I‘m not taking him anywhere without a leash. He’s unpredictable as hell and sometimes people misunderstand his friendly nature. Maybe that’s because he’s considerably large. And that his teeth are white and pointy and that he has very loud bark. Anyway, it’s a good thing that he looks ferocious. That offers me some protection in my neighborhood. Kids maintain their distance, which is so great. Salesmen think twice before knocking on my door. If only they knew, that the worst Brownie could do was probably slobber all over them.

That dog is going to get it from me. How many leashes should I buy! (I never thought of buying a metal one. I somehow think it will be too painful for Brownie.) Is it too much to ask to wake up, take your dog for a walk and not smell the sidewalk??
I groaned and tried to get up. I could see Brownie hurling at me. Fortunately, I couldn’t see the cat or any signs of a fight. Phew! Taking Brownie to the vet was another ordeal and I was glad that at least I was spared from having to do that.
“Brownie! Not again!” I held the two ends of the leash and lamely tried to tie them up. I looked at Brownie as I tried to tie up the leash. God, he really looked guilty. Could it be? Was my dog feeling bad about the way he behaved? Hope engulfed me as I pulled Brownie closer to examine him. “Are you hurt?” I asked Brownie. Suddenly the guilt changed to happiness and he started jumping around me and licking my face. I realized what a gullible owner I was, taken in by the sad adorable little face. I tried to show I was angry, but who can stay mad at someone whose whole world revolves around you. I chuckled, patted the mud and slush off me and started walking back.
The day had started off as usual.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A dog's world - Chapter 1 - The Story Begins
The day breaks and the sun's first rays hit my face and I’m all thrilled! It’s a brand new day! And I have this incredible urge to go outside. I run as fast as I can and jump up on the bed, even though I’m forbidden to jump on beds, to wake up Lilo. Bad breath doesn't bother me; I lick her face trying to wake her up...
Yep, you guessed it, I'm a dog... Not just any dog, I’m a mongrel. Lilo picked me up from the street in front of her house when I was just a puppy... frankly speaking, I don't remember much about those days. Ever since Lilo found me, things have been good.
Lilo turned her face away, but I wasn’t known as the drool king in the neighborhood for no reason, I kept at it until Lilo put her hands up in surrender. Victory was mine once again.

Lilo put the leash around my neck and off we went. Calm, composed, well behaved... I really did not need a leash...
The day was beautiful, birds were singing, flowers were blossoming, cats were lazing, butterflies were... wait a minute... did I just see a cat? In my neighborhood?? The cat had some nerve! Showing up in my backyard. I tugged at my leash and I could hear Lilo with the familiar “No Brownie!! Stop!! Leave the kitty alone.”
Let me interrupt here and tell you that I’m an all white mongrel except for a brown patch on my left eye. The ladies seem to think it makes me look like a pirate. Pirates mysterious, dangerous, exciting... Yeah, I could live with that.
So, getting back to my story. There I was, faced suddenly with my mortal enemy, the only thing that came to my head was chasing it. I took off. I could feel Lilo resisting by pulling on the leash but I think she finally realized what a noble cause she was hampering because suddenly the leash went loose. Great, I thought, Lilo was running behind me. Together! We could bring down the enemy. The cat on seeing me, rightfully tried to escape. And went straight up a tree. Why god why! Why would god offer such animals protection?
But I wasn’t going to give in. I was prepared to sit under the tree for as long as it took for the cat to come down. Besides I had Lilo who supported me. I turned around, wagging my tail, anticipating the look of pride on Lilo’s face.
Wait, where was Lilo? I turned left, I turned right. Somewhere far away, I could see someone getting up from the sidewalk. That wasn’t Lilo right? She was right behind me, chasing the evil “kitty”. I looked down, and saw the severed end of my leash. Uh oh... This wasn’t going to be a pleasant sight. This was the fourth one this month. I had to decide, everlasting glory by capturing the enemy or my next meal. The choice was obvious.
I ditched all plans of capturing the cat and bounded towards Lilo, with my tail between my legs, making the saddest face possible. I know Lilo can’t resist that look on my face, but oh boy, she looked mad.
“Brownie! Not again!”Lilo exclaimed. “Are you hurt?” She pulled me close and started examining me. This was my cue. I wagged my tail and jumped around her and Lilo was happy in a jiffy. Humans are so simple. All they need is a little love to make them happy. Most of the times they run around insignificant stuff to try and simplify their lives, but if you ask me, it mostly ends up complicating it a lot.
If it were up to me, I would make it mandatory for humans to have a dog.
The cat forgotten, we headed back. Lilo’s hair didn’t look too good, probably had something to do with her fall.
The day had started off as usual
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